The First University AWSome Day in HK
William wan, head of Teaching Technologies
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud services provider and said to be capturing the largest marketshare. In April, AWS launched its first "region" in Hong Kong and this is regarded by many as a very remarkable milestone of the local cloud computing community as well as the IT sector at large. HKUST is honoured to be selected as the first university campus in Hong Kong to hold the first University AWSome Day, and the event took place on 31 May 2019 when the busy Spring semester was about to finish. We received overwhelming responses from staff and students to join the event, and also very positive feedbacks from participants: there were over 170 registrations and the workshop covered areas from AWS core services to AI services, AWS Educate, academy program and the DeepRacer competition event.
Cloud-based service has become an essential part in nowadays and future business operations and also very helpful to research, teaching and learning activities too. You may run software programs without installing them into your own computer; store documents, photos and videos online for instant access. It also enables you to write, test and run a program without setting up your own server and infrastructure.
In view of the increasing demand for talents in the cloud service industry, AWS has been offering the AWS Educate program for individual educators and learners to get hands-on experience with AWS technology. Participants receive free credits for using AWS services, training content and career pathways, etc.

For those who are interested in using AWS or receiving free educator (USD200/yr) and student credits (USD75-100/yr), please apply here:
We will also conduct a follow-up survey and please let us know if you would like to use AWS for your course or project. Please contact us at if you need any assistance.