Computing Facility Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
William wan, Head of Teaching Technologies
Under the Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) initiative, ITSC has collaborated with the Dean of Students Office and Library to provide special computing facilities to students, who are facing academic challenges and difficulty in adjustment to learning environment due to disability or an impairment.
SEN Stations
There are 3 sets of SEN stations located in Computer Barn B, LG1 in Library and 1/F LSK building. Each SEN station is specially equipped as below:
Electrical height adjustable table – making the computing equipment accessible by all users including those using wheelchairs.

Desktop magnifier with English optical character recognition (OCR) - Users can magnify reading materials or convert printed information into audible speech immediately.

Desktop PC with screen reader / screen magnification software (MAGic) and a large print keyboard - Facilitates access to computing resources by visually impaired users

SEN Station Locations

The above facilities and software can also be used by all other students but priority should be given to those with special needs.
We will continue to review and evaluate other assistive tools in the market to support student with SEN and please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any suggestions.