Updates of Mic4Me
With the positive response and comments received from the teaching professors that participated in the earlier pilot program, the new Wireless Microphone - Mic4Me early adoption program was launched last Spring semester. During the summer, we have extended the invitation to more teaching professors and over 130 teaching professors accepted the invitation and joined the program. We have now over 200 Mic4Me professors as early adopters!
Mic4Me differs from the traditional wireless microphone by its ease of use and higher quality audio. Unlike the old wireless microphones, each single Mic4Me works in all central classrooms. Teaching professors no longer need to choose and bring the correct channel microphone for their classes. We have it – One Mic Fits All.
During the summer term, ITSC has extended the Mic4Me coverage to LSK Campus central classroom. In other words, Mic4Me now covers all central classrooms of the entire campus, including Main Campus, CYT Building and LSK Campus.
ITSC is also working with different Schools and Departments to extend this easy-to-use and flexible service to other venues. For example, Library, CEI and Business Schools, have been working closely with ITSC to deploy Mic4Me in their departmental classrooms and Labs.
We shall continue to extend the Mic4Me to the other teaching professors. We are planning to switch to Mic4Me entirely in the coming Spring Semester 2020. Stay tuned. If you’re interested to join our next round of adoption program, please send email to cchelp@ust.hk.